Certificate number: 2624
Initial date: 2015-11-20
Expiry date: 2025-11-30
Address: 120, rue Brunet
Mont-Saint-Hilaire (Québec) Canada J3H 0M6
Telephone: 450-446-8144
Fax: 418-849-1169
Reference document: BNQ 3660-950 2014-02-20 M1 (2020-01-28)
Safety of Products and Materials in Contact with Drinking Water
Protocol or Scope: BNQ 3660-959 2016-02-04
Innocuité des produits et des matériaux en contact avec l'eau potable - Protocole de certification
Specific requirements: BNQ EP 3660-950 2016-02-04
Exigences de certification BNQ 3660-950
Product/Process/Service: Safety of products and materials in contact with drinking water: Composite formulation for drinking water pipes rehabilitation made with CIPP H2O or NORDIPIPE tube impregnated with a two parts epoxy